Grade Level for school year 2024 - 2025*
Description of Activity / Service
Please answer the following questions about the musical service you performed:
Your application must include a letter of confirmation from the organization or individual where you performed the community service. Please note that while all volunteer service is commendable, this award specifically recognizes musical service.
Signature and Consent
For publicity purposes, the Windham Regional Arts Council utilizes the services of professional photographers and publication of photos on website platform, social and print media. Please check here if you wish to restrict publication of your child's image. Unchecked answers imply your consent to use your child's photo for this purpose.
By signing this form, I confirm that the information provided in this application is true and accurate, and I have read and understand the competition guidelines.
If you do not see a confirmation message after clicking the registration button, please review your entries to ensure all required fields are completed.